QS-B-001-011 48h - Workshop Marathon for Strategic Space Activation in posturban areas

Course offering details

Instructors: Sven Kohlschmidt

Event type: Seminar

Org-unit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Displayed in timetable as: Atmospheres

Crediting for:

Hours per week: 2

Location: Hamburg

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | 30

Registration group: Q-Studies Bachelor


Date From To Room Instructors
1 Fri, 25. Aug. 2023 11:00 17:00 HVP-3.110 / Seminar room VI Sven Kohlschmidt
2 Sat, 26. Aug. 2023 09:00 17:00 Exkursion Sven Kohlschmidt
3 Sun, 27. Aug. 2023 09:00 17:00 Exkursion Sven Kohlschmidt
Class session overview
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Sven Kohlschmidt