SK-B-002-005 Skills: Urban bicycling digital traces

Course offering details

Instructors: Balázs Cserpes; Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros

Event type: Seminar

Org-unit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Displayed in timetable as: Parametric Design

Crediting for:

Hours per week: 2

Location: Hamburg

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: - | 30


During the last 20 years, an increasing number of presidents, prime ministers, governors, and mayors in developed and developing countries have been riding bicycles to promote a more sustainable and friendly form of urban mobility. We believe that these images also reveal and influence the image of contemporary urban mobility – the way in which people see what urban mobility is and how it should be. In 1996 the World Bank declared that bicycles, like other non-motorized modes of transport, would bring economic, social, and environmental benefits to the city, and should not be marginalized (World Bank, 1996). Other global institutions followed this line in subsequent years, and also offered funds and technical support for developing comprehensive transport plans that included bicycles (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean [eclac], 2000; European Commission, 2007; German Agency for Technical Cooperation [gtz], 2010; Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [oecd], 2000; World Health Organization [who], 2011).
Urban bicycling has mainly been marginalized for decades in the global north and south. Despite a renaissance over the last two decades in academic research, political discourse, sustainability activism, and planning, cities often lack data quality and quantity. Digitalization has led to more and better data sources, but they still must be validated and compared with findings from conventional travel surveys. With the COVID-19 pandemic, bicycling and associated road facilities expanded, as did road crashes involving bicycles. This workshop is based on peer-reviewed research that utilizes tens of thousands of data points sourced by public institutions and digital devices belonging to private companies that have spread across cities over the last ten years and are currently ubiquitous. What does an integrated analysis of data from these novel sources reveal for urban bicycling research, planning, and network design? Students will be introduced to data mining techniques applied to explore and visualize the relationships and spatiotemporal variations in (i) bicycling volumes and (ii) crashes, unveiling the (iii) distribution of and correlation between datasets and the city’s bikeway network at an unprecedented threshold. The students are introduced to contents and methods that will guide their future urban bicycling research, planning, and network design.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Wed, 5. Apr. 2023 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.104 / Computer pool II Balázs Cserpes; Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
2 Wed, 19. Apr. 2023 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.104 / Computer pool II Balázs Cserpes; Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
3 Wed, 3. May 2023 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.104 / Computer pool II Balázs Cserpes; Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
4 Wed, 17. May 2023 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.104 / Computer pool II Balázs Cserpes; Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
5 Wed, 17. May 2023 15:00 17:45 Rund um die HafenCity Universität Balázs Cserpes; Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
6 Wed, 14. Jun. 2023 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.104 / Computer pool II Balázs Cserpes; Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
7 Wed, 28. Jun. 2023 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.104 / Computer pool II Balázs Cserpes; Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
8 Wed, 12. Jul. 2023 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.104 / Computer pool II Balázs Cserpes; Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
Class session overview
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Andre Landwehr
Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
Balázs Cserpes