SK-B-001-205 Skills: Citizen Digital Participation: Tools, Challenges, and Opportunities

Course offering details

Instructors: Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros; Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale

Event type: Workshop

Org-unit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Displayed in timetable as: Procrastination

Crediting for:

Hours per week: 0,5

Location: Hamburg

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: - | 30

Registration group: Skills Workshops


Participation has an intrinsic value for participants; is a catalyst for further development; encourages a sense of responsibility; guarantees that a felt need is involved; ensures things are done the right and sustainable way. Workshop takers will get in touch with open source and web-based tools that can support participatory processes, some of which are under development by the Digital City Science team and ongoing R&D projects. Part of the workshop also has a presentation of the theoretical grounds of citizen participation, its pros and cons, and controversies found in the literature boundaries. Students will be driven to reflect o how digitalization poses simultaneously challenges and opportunities for urban planners, designers, policy makers and ultimately to the citizens.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Fri, 23. Jun. 2023 14:00 18:00 HVP-3.107 / Seminar room I Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros; Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale
2 Fri, 30. Jun. 2023 14:00 18:00 HVP-3.107 / Seminar room I Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros; Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale
Class session overview
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Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale
Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros