SK-B-001-208 Skills: The Bike Data Collection Collective

Course offering details

Instructors: Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros

Event type: Workshop

Org-unit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Displayed in timetable as: Easy stress - I don't have time for stress right now

Crediting for:

Hours per week: 0,5

Location: Hamburg

Language of instruction: Englisch

Min. | Max. participants: - | 30

Registration group: Skills Workshops


The Workshop has the baseline to confront the students with the basics of urban geodata using the data on the Hamburg bicycle network data as an example. We will identify missing datapoints and attributes in the existing data and collaboratively collect structured data in order to enrich the existing dataset. The collaborative data collection will be based on the open-source software project “Mergin Maps” that allows easy and exact geospatial mapping on smartphones. The data collected in the joint effort will be visualized on a map for validation and preliminary analysis.
Students will learn the basics of how to plan and execute the collection of georeferenced data that allows further (automated) analysis for their research.

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Fri, 7. Jul. 2023 14:00 18:00 HVP-3.107 / Seminar room I Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
2 Fri, 14. Jul. 2023 14:00 18:00 HVP-3.107 / Seminar room I Andre Landwehr; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
Class session overview
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Andre Landwehr
Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros