BS-M-001-101 Basics: Project Management Lecture

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger

Event type: Lecture

Org-unit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Displayed in timetable as: FaSt: BS PM VL

Crediting for:

Hours per week: 2

Location: Hamburg

Language of instruction: German

Min. | Max. participants: - | 180


Zusätzliche Informationen zu Terminen:
Der Vorlesung findet ausschließlich digital statt in einer Kombination von Online-Präsenz-Terminen und asynchronem Arbeiten im Selbststudium.

The course explores histories and theories of cities and urbanization since the 19th century from an integrated perspective. It aims to convey an understanding of the historically specific ways in which cities and societies develop interdependently. The first part of the course provides an introduction to key positions and debates in urban theory which allow conceptualizing what cities are, how they function and how they change. The second part of the course gives an overview of key topics of urban development since the 19th century and discusses key phases of modern urban design and planning and its linkages to wider economic, social and cultural processes and political struggle.

Key questions to be addressed include:
- What are cities, and how and why do they change?
- What are the key issues, figures and projects that have shaped urban development since the 19th century?
- How are economic, social, and cultural processes linked to physical changes of built structures in the city?

The course is taught in English. It draws on interdisciplinary body of literature drawn from architecture and planning as well as the wider field of urban studies and urban history.



Date From To Room Instructors
1 Fri, 15. Oct. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
2 Fri, 22. Oct. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
3 Fri, 29. Oct. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
4 Fri, 5. Nov. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
5 Fri, 12. Nov. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
6 Fri, 19. Nov. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
7 Fri, 26. Nov. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
8 Fri, 3. Dec. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
9 Fri, 10. Dec. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
10 Fri, 17. Dec. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
11 Fri, 7. Jan. 2022 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
12 Fri, 14. Jan. 2022 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
13 Fri, 21. Jan. 2022 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
14 Fri, 28. Jan. 2022 12:15 13:45 digital Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger
Class session overview
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Krüger