SP-M-208-200 Theorie der Landschaftsplanung


Lehrende: Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman

Veranstaltungsart: Vorlesung, Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Stadtplanung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: SP:Theorie LP

Anrechenbar für:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 30


Observatorium Botanica Urbana: More-Than-Human Waterscapes

In this design-research seminar the Elbe River System, its waters and its dynamic and multifaceted ecosystems, constitute our field of exploration. Spanning across cultural, ecological, and socio-economic dimensions, this vital region embodies the intricate interplay between humans and non-humans ecosystems, array of entities which in co-existence with human interactions, shape and inhabit these landscapes, but are often overlooked from traditional theories for landscape planning.

The Seminar is embedded in the field of posthuman studies and is centered around the concept of more-than-human cohabitation — an emerging paradigm that challenges anthropocentric viewpoints and recognizes the agency and significance of non-human actors, particularly water systems and their associated life forms. By embracing this perspective, we aim to transcend the boundaries between human and non-human realms, fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness that defines the Elbe estuary.

The seminar is structured into three progressive phases, each aimed at deepening understanding and fostering creative inquiry: In an initial phase, students will conduct observations and visual-ethnographic research through real-world engagement. This phase will consist in documenting the interactions between human inhabitants, ecological systems, and water dynamics. In the second phase students are invited to produce cartographic maps and speculative drawings that translate their observations into visual representations in order to elucidate the complex relationships within the Elbe estuary. In the culminating phase of the seminar, students will shift towards speculative inquiry and critical reflection. Drawing upon their findings from the preceding phases, students will engage in speculative thinking to envision alternative futures for the Elbe estuary. Through reflective writing, they will interrogate existing paradigms and articulate future visions, capable of fostering more-than-human water cultures.

Throughout the seminar, you will be encouraged to adopt a transdisciplinary perspective, integrating insights from ecology, anthropology, geography, and design. By synthesizing diverse perspectives, in the spirit of exploration and dialogue, we invite you to join us on this intellectual odyssey as we journey into the depths of the Elbe estuary and beyond, discovering new possibilities for coexistence and stewardship in an era defined by interconnectedness and interdependence.

The seminar is embedded in a cooperation with the Museum of Arts and Crafts (MK&G) in the context of the exhibition “WATER PRESSURE - Design for the Future” (https://www.mkg-hamburg.de/ exhibitions/water-pressure) and an interdisciplinary future laboratory at HafenCity University on the question of shaping Hamburg's future on and with water in the context of various teaching formats. The results of the seminar will be exhibited, discussed and presented together with the results of the other teaching formats from the interdisciplinary future laboratory in a joint final exhibition in Jupiter.

Flavio Mancuso – flavio.mancuso@hcu-hamburg.de 
Prof. Antje Stokman - antje.stokman@hcu-hamburg.de

Arc-M-Mod-203, SP-M-Mod-208, Arc-M-Mod-202, Arc-M-Mod-302, Arc-M-Mod-211, Arc-M-Mod-311

Sonstige Information:
Unterrichtsprache: Englisch, Deutsch

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
2 Mi, 10. Apr. 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
3 Mi, 17. Apr. 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
4 Mi, 24. Apr. 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
5 Mi, 8. Mai 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
6 Mi, 15. Mai 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
7 Mi, 29. Mai 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
8 Mi, 5. Jun. 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
9 Mi, 12. Jun. 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
10 Mi, 19. Jun. 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
11 Mi, 26. Jun. 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
12 Mi, 3. Jul. 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
13 Mi, 10. Jul. 2024 12:15 13:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Flavio Mancuso; Prof. Antje Stokman
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Antje Stokman
Flavio Mancuso