QS-M-001-008 Cycling route preferences: quantitative evaluation through user studies


Lehrende: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi; Dr. Weilian Li

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Q: Cycling route

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 20

Individuelle Prüfungsleistung (2,5 CP)

The flexibility in setting up designs for green- and brownfield developments leads to an overwhelming complexity when taking various factors into consideration. As planners can define desired building typologies, zoning definitions, functional alignments, it becomes challenging to get an overview on all the factors that are influencing each other. Though regulations already exist, they do not necessarily ensure reaching desired qualities in the longer-term outcome of the plan.
Even small changes in the design can have a large impact on how environmental conditions affect the proposed development area, including factors such as sun-exposure, wind conditions, traffic noise or pedestrian movement patterns. Simulating these factors one-by-one has been a costly and complicated task, where urban designers and architects, have been outsourcing simulation and modelling activities, wait for the calculations, make adaptations and then restart the simulation process from the beginning.
New technologies enable the facilitation of these simulation tasks and facilitate gathering calculation outputs for the evaluation of the design proposal in a much shorter timeframe. The research team of Digital City Science developed a tool that utilises these technologies – COUP and saves money and time for all actors involved, reduces uncertainty for real estate developers and unleash creativity for architects and designers, when it simulates in an integrated way the mentioned four attributes, in real time and for every new proposed district or building. The tool allows for design optimization at an early stage, where costs of changes are minimal, avoiding addressing these at a later planning or construction stage. It allows for multi-layered analysis of different environmental or physical impacts, thanks to the simulation modules, which in the traditional planning process is not possible to assess in a simultaneous way. The physical user interface (UI) is designed for participation and allows for near-real-time interaction and iteration, thus enhancing consensus reaching for planning among multi-stakeholder sessions. The web application UI enables remote consultation and verification of the project design, measuring important trade-offs in the proposal.

Q-M-Mod-100, Q-M-Mod-001

Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von CP:
Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einer der vorgegebenen Prüfungsarten. Es besteht Anwesenheitspflicht.
2,5 CP:

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 10. Apr. 2024 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.109 / Seminarraum V Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi; Dr. Weilian Li
2 Mi, 24. Apr. 2024 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.109 / Seminarraum V Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi; Dr. Weilian Li
3 Mi, 8. Mai 2024 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.109 / Seminarraum V Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi; Dr. Weilian Li
4 Mi, 5. Jun. 2024 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.109 / Seminarraum V Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi; Dr. Weilian Li
5 Mi, 19. Jun. 2024 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.109 / Seminarraum V Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi; Dr. Weilian Li
6 Mi, 3. Jul. 2024 14:15 17:45 HVP-2.109 / Seminarraum V Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi; Dr. Weilian Li
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Individuelle Prüfungsleistung (2,5 CP) k.Terminbuchung Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Youness Dehbi
Dr. Weilian Li