QS-M-001-003 Learning from TOSCA: Sustainable Development through Open and Digital Planning Tools


Lehrende: Balázs Cserpes; Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Q:

Anrechenbar für:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 32


What is TOSCA?
The Toolkit for Open Sustainable City Planning and Analysis (TOSCA) was developed in 2019 by the
Hafencity University Hamburg (HCU), in cooperation with the German Corporation for International
Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH. The objective behind this type of cooperation project was the development of
strategies and digital tools for sustainable urban and societal advancement in developing urban contexts.
The toolkit pilot was tested through two cooperation projects, specifically under the
“Sustainable Urban Development – Smart Cities” in India and the “Sustainable Intermediate Cities” in

TOSCA is conceptualized as a web-based, open-source Geographical Information System toolkit, that
can be used on a multi-touch table or in an internet browser. Using low-cost technology, the application
is characterized by the ease of take-up by any interested user. The aim is to visualize spatial data, making
it divisible and understandable, thus, developing the possibility of overlaying and visualizing conflicts of
interests. TOSCA is designed to be scalable, replicable, and mobile. It can be used in a variety of contexts
around the world, also by non-GIS experts. It provides local governments with the possibility to
significantly reduce the time dedicated to consensus-reaching processes through the visualization, query,
assessment and analysis of geospatial data in an iterative manner. The results are objective and easy to
understand for a variety of stakeholders involved in the local development of cities.
The aim of the course is to bring students closer to the relevance of digital open source tools in the field
of spatial planning for the sustainable development of urban contexts, in particular by introducing the
Toolkit for Open and Sustainable City Planning and Analysis (TOSCA) as an open-source and web-
based digital GIS (Geographical Information Systems) tool for planning.

The course, to be instructed in English, is divided into three main learning blocks, designed to align
students from different academic backgrounds and programmes into the same level of understanding of
the overarching topic:
o Theoretical content as basic knowledge about traditional urban planning and its shift
towards the digital age.
o Technological content, to present the role of digital, spatial and open-source tools. A
basic overview of what GIS (Geographical Information Systems) is, focused on its use in the TOSCA toolkit.
o The synthesis activities, where students bridge the gained input into a practical exercise.

Which Results / examination performance / outcome is planned?
Students will be guided in understanding basic notions of digital planning of the urban environment, and
consolidate the input given in the form of analyses, through group activities such as the formulation of
an applicable use case for a specific context. They should finally reflect on the applicability of
TOSCA to support the SDGs. At the end of the course, graduates should be able to:
• Understand the role of digital tools in the new era of planning.
• Analyse the advantages of Open Source Tools.
• Collect basic ideas about what Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can do for
planning and how TOSCA can make them more accessible.
• Reflect on the contribution of TOSCA to address the challenges identified under the

Q-M-Mod-100, Q-M-Mod-001

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 16:15 19:45 HVP-3.109 / Seminarraum IX Balázs Cserpes; Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale
2 Mi, 17. Apr. 2024 16:15 19:45 HVP-3.109 / Seminarraum IX Balázs Cserpes; Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale
3 Mi, 15. Mai 2024 16:15 19:45 HVP-3.109 / Seminarraum IX Balázs Cserpes; Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale
4 Mi, 29. Mai 2024 16:15 19:45 HVP-3.109 / Seminarraum IX Balázs Cserpes; Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale
5 Mi, 12. Jun. 2024 16:15 19:45 HVP-3.109 / Seminarraum IX Balázs Cserpes; Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale
6 Mi, 26. Jun. 2024 16:15 19:45 HVP-3.109 / Seminarraum IX Balázs Cserpes; Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale
7 Mi, 10. Jul. 2024 16:15 19:45 HVP-3.109 / Seminarraum IX Balázs Cserpes; Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Maria Alejandra Moleiro Dale
Balázs Cserpes