QS-B-001-008 The sharing economy. Noble promises, disruptive practices, overwhelmed politics.


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Q:

Anrechenbar für:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 30

Anmeldegruppe: Q-Studies Bachelor


It all began as promise. Soon after the financial crisis of 2008 a sense of awakening seemed to capture imaginations about an alternative to neoliberal capitalism: sharing. Rather than echoing the long-gone modes of rural commoning, sharing suddenly held the promise of a (digital) revitalization of exchange based on community, reciprocity and sustainability. The mantra of the new digital sharing economy, “what’s mine is yours”, presented the prospect of reinvigorating social connectivity through the collaborative utilization of idle resources (like vacant homes or unused cars). More recently, though, a line of reasoning has gained increasing momentum that starts from a diametrically opposed vantage point: Instead of a post-capitalist alternative rooted in the social practice of sharing, this line of reasoning anticipates a capitalism supercharged by the compulsive business logic of platforms. Instead of focusing on the communal practice of food-sharing or couch-surfing, the platform-narrative celebrates the disruption of regulations by start-ups like Uber and Airbnb as well as the market dominance of super-platforms like Amazon. By discussing classical conceptions of key notions like the gift, community and (the tragedy of the) commons and by exploring the variety of current sharing phenomena from ride-sharing over crowd-funding to producing contents for social media platforms, this course will critically explore the ambivalences of the emerging economy.


Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von CP:
Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einer der vorgegebenen Prüfungsarten. Es besteht Anwesenheitspflicht.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 12. Apr. 2023 14:00 16:00 HVP-2.107 / Seminarraum III Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
2 Fr, 5. Mai 2023 09:00 18:30 HVP-3.110 / Seminarraum VI Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
3 Sa, 6. Mai 2023 09:00 17:30 Märchenwelten Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher