QS-B-001-006 Simulations, Artificial Intelligence, and Cities


Lehrende: Balázs Cserpes; Dr. Ayse Glass; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Q:

Anrechenbar für:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 30

Anmeldegruppe: Q-Studies Bachelor


Artificial Intelligence is in part of our daily lives and can generate a vast quantity of structures while predicting performance and allows researchers and designers to explore by the properties of their design. This allows optimization and exploration through machine power. AI generated art works and architectural design have a major impact on the world. Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications can collect and process information from tweets of an entire city or several urban areas across the globe, providing urban planners, designers and architects sentiment analysis on a selected topic of urban life and opinion.
Synthetic data generation based on real data and data fusion are promising approaches on the development of new methods in architectural design and urban studies. Simulation tools are available for the designers, researchers or administration, and the data-driven city is improving the quality of everyday life for citizens and the efficient use of resources.
In order to understand the true potentials of artificial intelligence in design, it is important to have a basic understanding of the underlying approaches and logics. This learning process is facilitated by trying these algorithms and tools out in a creative environment (e.g., by creating images from prompts, generating descriptions, letting programme codes assess the sentiment of human texts), reaching out to the boundaries and critically reviewing its outcomes.
This course explores the techniques, use cases and examples of the simulations, AI, architecture, urban planning and design. How designing by code or simulations for generative urban forms and shapes allow the designers to experiment and discover computer assisted aesthetics? How asking questions to algorithms can improve planning, research, design, and architectural work through optimization, how we can combine the art and architecture through data fusion, what are the use cases and sensitive topics about AI and architecture. Ultimately, students will develop their own understanding of limits of algorithm-assisted creation and planning. The question that guide this journey is the same one stated by the pionner of the contemporary computers, Alan Turin: can computers think?


Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von CP:
Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einer der vorgegebenen Prüfungsarten. Es besteht Anwesenheitspflicht.
2,5 CP

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 3. Apr. 2023 12:15 15:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Balázs Cserpes; Dr. Ayse Glass; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
2 Mo, 17. Apr. 2023 12:15 15:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Balázs Cserpes; Dr. Ayse Glass; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
3 Mo, 15. Mai 2023 12:15 15:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Balázs Cserpes; Dr. Ayse Glass; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
4 Mo, 12. Jun. 2023 12:15 15:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Balázs Cserpes; Dr. Ayse Glass; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
5 Mo, 26. Jun. 2023 12:15 15:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Balázs Cserpes; Dr. Ayse Glass; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
6 Mo, 10. Jul. 2023 12:15 15:45 HVP-3.107 / Seminarraum I Balázs Cserpes; Dr. Ayse Glass; Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Dr. Ayse Glass
Dr. Dr. Rafael Milani Medeiros
Balázs Cserpes