QS-M-001-001 What is space?


Lehrende: Carlos Acevedo

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Q: What is space?

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 20

Anmeldegruppe: Q-Studies Master


Zusätzliche Informationen zu Terminen:
Due to the current situation the leture will takes place only online

Introduction This workshop is about different ways of understanding space. Observing, questioning, measuring, scanning, mapping, researching, collecting, constructing and finally comparing those different approaches to each other.
The final results will be gathered and made public in the online and offline exhibition within the Merging Shores project, which is a 6 month intervention spread over several sites in the public space of Hamburg.
This workshop will be co-hosted by artist Maud van den Beuken (Rotterdam, NL) and open collective LU’UM (Hamburg, DE).
_The Motive In "On Exactitude in Science"(1946) the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges sketches a fictional story in which an empire is mapped. The map met such high perfection that it turned out to be as large as the entire Empire itself. The map blocked all the seasons. Winter and summer, were no longer present and weather conditions as the rain and sun were blocked.
This text makes us question in what way do we accurately represent the Earth as exact as possible? Thinking of science as the map and nature as the territory, the map is always a limited representation of what we see of the world.
_The Goal By bringing together several disciplines like architecture, urban planning, geodetic engineering and/or city planning – we will find new ways to define this specific site. We will look into the site with a scientifical point of view; from an historical, almost archaeological perspective and at the same time approaching the site from a geodetical point of view by techniques like:
- photography and photogrammetry, laser scanning and LIDAR
- historical / data, ethnographic research
- philosophical essay, sensory/sensual description
- installative or performative approach
We aim to explore this city deeper than our senses would allow us through the help of technology and thought. What is below and what was before? How can we find the underlying foundation on which the city was built? Can we identify a source?
_The Site Löschplatz im Billhafen is a peninsula at the border of the HafenCity, mostly seen as a place where people only dream of what could happen there. As the site is under the water’s surface several times a year, it is not only a land’s surface but at the same time the bottom of an underwater landscape.



Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von CP:
Compulsory attendance in the lecture as also in the exercises is required.
Examination: 2,5 CP Documentation and presentation

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 4. Jun. 2021 12:15 15:45 digital Carlos Acevedo
2 Sa, 5. Jun. 2021 10:00 17:00 sofern möglich in Präsenz, sonst digital Carlos Acevedo
3 Sa, 12. Jun. 2021 10:00 17:00 sofern möglich in Präsenz, sonst digital Carlos Acevedo
4 Sa, 19. Jun. 2021 10:00 17:00 sofern möglich in Präsenz, sonst digital Carlos Acevedo
5 Sa, 24. Jul. 2021 13:00 16:00 sofern möglich in Präsenz, sonst digital Carlos Acevedo
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Carlos Acevedo