Arc-M-402-105 COMMONSTRUCTURES – Urban Biogas Plant


Lehrende: Tim Simon-Meyer

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Architektur

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Arc: WF

Anrechenbar für:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 6


The design studio is interested in characteristic architecture which appears in the coherence of the architectural expression, the spatial structure and the construction due to a tectonic approach.

By starting the design process with the choice of the materials to work with we will develop a small spatial structure for an urban biogas plant at the ZINNWERKE in Wilhelmsburg. The Studio will deal with the conceptual and preliminary design of the architecture that will host and even expose the technical infrastructure. Our claim will be to generate an architectural quality that can go beyond functional needs and invites people to interact and appropriate the architecture in order create a place of community.

The Design Studio is structured in 3 parts taking place over a period of 5 weeks:
A digital Workshop + final discussion (with guests) – 6th (Evening) to 8th of May (Midday)
A midterm presentation (with guests) – 21st of May – 9am
A physical workshop + final presentation (with guests) – 10th (Evening) to 12th of June (Midday)
There will be individual Desk Crits on the 14th of May and the 4th of June.

The 3 group meetings will be accompanied by guests and experts both from architecture as well as from other fields. Furthermore the Studio will be in cooperation with the Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa and we will be joined by 5 students from the architecture department. During the 5 weeks we will work in teams of 3 consisting of 2 Students from HCU and 1 from Autonoma.

The Design Studio seeks for 7 motivated students to work intensively on the development of an architectural project that can be the base for the realization in summer. The meetings will be held in English and german.

The concept for the architectural Project for the Biogas Plant was selected and is supported by the Sto-Stiftung (

In Addition to the Design Studio a summerschool will take place from 16th to 29th of August at the Zinnwerke in order to realize one structure together with a group of students from the HAW and the TU Hamburg-Harburg. We would be happy if participants of the Design Studio will be also part of the summerschool but it is no obligation.



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Tim Simon-Meyer