Arc-B-602-004 Designing Public Spaces to Promote Pro-Environmental Behavior


Lehrende: Marina Montelongo Arana

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Architektur

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Arc: WF

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 30


Introduction: There is currently an urgent global call to activate, motivate and involve inhabitants in the transition towards a more sustainable society. Public spaces facilitate face-to-face communication and interaction with the others. It is there, where behavior is visible and social contagion occurs. The public space is a place where we can stay to see, hear and talk, giving an opportunity to promote massive pro-environmental behavior towards a more sustainable future.

General objective: At the completion of the course, the participants will have designed a public space that foster pro-environmental behavior / action through the application of design strategies aimed at promoting “the stay”, “the interaction” and the “do something” between individuals.

Particular objectives: To understand The importance of promoting pro-environmental behavior and the potential of the public space to do it To identify Some of the most important design strategies to design an inviting place that promotes social interaction To identify The most effective pro-environmental behaviors and associated internal / external barriers with the aim of designing interventions that overcome those barriers

Outcome and evaluation: The final exercise consist in the design of a public space specifying 1) “to stay” strategies 3) “to interact” strategies 4) “to do” strategies

Key questions to be addressed: Why is important to promote pro-environmental behavior and What is the potential of the public space to do it? What design / behavioral strategies can be used to motivate people to take environmental action?

Who and what? Workgroups (2-3 members) performing brief investigations and presentations.



Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 12. Apr. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
2 Mo, 19. Apr. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
3 Mo, 26. Apr. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
4 Mo, 3. Mai 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
5 Mo, 10. Mai 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
6 Mo, 17. Mai 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
7 Mo, 31. Mai 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
8 Mo, 7. Jun. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
9 Mo, 14. Jun. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
10 Mo, 21. Jun. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
11 Mo, 28. Jun. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
12 Mo, 5. Jul. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
13 Mo, 12. Jul. 2021 12:15 13:45 digital Marina Montelongo Arana
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Marina Montelongo Arana