REAP-M-203-100 Urban Water Cycles


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein

Veranstaltungsart: Vorlesung, Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning

Anzeige im Stundenplan: REAP:UrbanWaterCycle

Anrechenbar für:

Semesterwochenstunden: 3

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 40

Individuelle Prüfungsleistung - 2,5 CP

Zusätzliche Informationen zu Terminen:
The module "Urban Water Cycle" in this SoSe 2020 will be completely digital. Therefore, you will be provided with a concrete semester schedule and further information about the tasks/examination. This will be initially per email via AHOI after the end of the first registration phase, in the week of 14-17.4.2020.
In the course of the semester, the module communication will be then (almost) exclusively via Moodle. "PPT slides with audio narration" will be developed for the individual lecture topics, and will be uploaded on the specified day in the semester schedule. You can then work on this independently for the entire semester, regardless of location and time. A "forum" will also be set up in Moodle, where leading questions will be posted to generate a debate on the topic, you can engage in discussion by posting written comments, questions, etc. I will then try to answer them promptly in writing. Furthermore, we will also upload "exercises" in Moodle, this will be supervised by Mahmoud Moursy.
On three separate dates during the semester, I will offer webinars via ZOOM, to which I will invite you separately in smaller groups of max. 15 students. You will find the dates in the semester schedule. The webinar is intended to ask questions about the course content and discuss it in the group, also to clarify any open questions regarding the tasks to be worked on. Besides, there will be the possibility to request us bilaterally for meetings on ZOOM. Please write an email and we will make an individual appointment.
This semester you will also work on a task concerning the Urban Water Cycle in a city of your choice. You can do this - as before - in groups of two students if you apply the rules regarding "social distancing" and essentially communicate digitally via ZOOM or other media of your preference. If you want to work alone due to the situation, please let us know. The task is currently being revised/adapted and will be completed at the latest in the week of 20-24.4.20. We will also include an excursion to projects incorporate decentralised rainwater management in Hamburg in September, in the hope that we will then be able to make this possible. We can do this together. If not, this will be cancelled, but we will provide you with some tips for independent neighbourhood visits.
As before, the common form of examination is presentation + term paper. We are planning the presentations to be in September, hoping that we can then do it together in the lecture hall if necessary, if not, we will then hold a webinar.
It would be a pleasure to get to know you all through the different digital formats, and later also personally.

Best regards,
Wolfgang Dickhaut and Mahmoud Moursy

Water-cycle in urban areas, international examples - present situation - potential for change, Flowing waters and groundwater in urban areas, intern.l examples - present situation, differences from natural flowing water and groundwater, key strategies, Water-cycle in buildings, Wastewater - Quantity, quality, definitions, Impact of wastewater on human beings and water bodies, potential for recycling, criteria for treatment selection, Alternative techn. in water supply and rain and wastewater treatment, Consolidation of standard techn. of water supply, wastewater and rainwater treatment, Wastewater potential for recycling, criteria for treatment selection, advantages and disadvantages of different treatment systems, Key strategies for wastewater - centralized and decentr. techn., High and low tech solutions, Separation of wastewater streams, Key strategies for rainwater-harvesting, Overview of present techn. in wastewater and rainwater management



Sonstige Information:
Exkursion to Wohnquartier Am Weißenberge ( ): 05.10.2021, 13:00 h - 14:00 h

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 6. Apr. 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
2 Di, 13. Apr. 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
3 Di, 20. Apr. 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
4 Di, 27. Apr. 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
5 Di, 4. Mai 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
6 Di, 11. Mai 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
7 Di, 18. Mai 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
8 Di, 1. Jun. 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
9 Di, 8. Jun. 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
10 Di, 15. Jun. 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
11 Di, 22. Jun. 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
12 Di, 29. Jun. 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
13 Di, 6. Jul. 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
14 Di, 13. Jul. 2021 14:15 17:45 online Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Individuelle Prüfungsleistung - 2,5 CP k.Terminbuchung Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut
Mahmoud Ahmed Moursy Hussein