SP-B-603-103 Present and Future of Urban Frontier Zones in Manouba/Tunis


Lehrende: Thomas Hagedorn

Veranstaltungsart: nach gewählter Lehrveranstaltung

Orga-Einheit: Stadtplanung

Anzeige im Stundenplan: WF: Tunis

Anrechenbar für: Wahlmodule, Wahl-Module, Wahlpflichtmodul, Interdisziplinäre Fragestellungen, Wahlpflicht-Modul

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 15

Individuelle Prüfungsleistung - 2,5 CP

Zusätzliche Informationen zu Terminen:
The seminar (2.5 Credits) is preparatory work for a winter school (1.-14. March 2020) in Tunis, Tunesia (5 Credits),

Estimated costs excursion: Approx. 400 EUR (250 EUR flight + 150 EUR hostel accommodation in Tunis)
Subsidy: Not sure. To be applied.
Language: Excursion language in Tunisia is English. If all participants of the preparatory seminar are able to speak German, seminar language will be German, if not English.

The Arabian revolution 2010/11 initiated a period of profound changes within the Tunisian society like the subsequent process of decentralization that brought many new stakeholders on stage. A variety of new forces with different focus and interests use the more liberal framework after the revolution and take influence on the development of their local environments. Especially public space is gaining much more importance, reflecting transformational changes within the society.
Manouba, a western suburb of Tunis, a rather residential area inhabited by lower middle class people, is the location of an international and interdisciplinary spring school in March 2020. Students of cultural sciences, media arts, urban planning and architecture from Germany and Tunisia will study the current state of developments within public, semi-public and private urban spaces, their uses, meanings and qualities. They will identify the driving forces of transformation within the society, discuss and reflect their activities, and develop ideas how to extend transformation on to aspects of urban development.
Central anchor point is the Manouba Ibn Khaldoun Middle School. Since 2017, the Future Lab Tunisia, an initiative of The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie´s Zukunftslabor and the Kamel Lzaar Foundation, supported by the German Federal Foreign Office and the Tunisian Ministry of Education creates a co-habitation between the musicians of the Tunisian National Orchestra and students within the school. Future Lab introduces music lessons into the school curriculum and develops different artistic formats between students and orchestra. By analogy with the Bremen original, the aim is to unlock individual potential and promote social development through music such as the ability to take responsibility, the spirit of initiative and reliability. The engagement with cultural contents and exchange projects opens up new perspectives, arouse new interests and keep teenagers away from hanging around. As a side effect, their individual school performance improves considerably. Regarding the neighborhood, many young people who are walking around with instruments mark now the visual perception within public spaces. Meanwhile, the Future Lab is involving broader parts of the population with its Community Opera approach and other cultural activities.
Objective of the interdisciplinary spring school is to discover, document and reflect transformational dynamics in the Manouba neighborhood together with the local population. Furthermore, students and neighbors shall develop together ideas how to extend transformation on to aspects of urban development in order to initiate further improvements in the neighborhood. Research contents will be recorded on media tools, edited, reflected and presented. Development ideas will be discussed with local stakeholders and students and thus eventually widen the frontiers of urban transformation.
Participation in the Tunis Spring School in March 2020 requires taking part of a preparatory seminar that begins in October 2019. Some appointments during the winter semester will take place at Leuphana University Lüneburg, together with students of Cultural Sciences. Objective is to learn about Tunisia, its capital city and the social context. Participants will identify, prepare and discuss relevant topics regarding contemporary developments in order to be able to find appropriate approaches during the excursion.



Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 15. Okt. 2019 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
2 Di, 22. Okt. 2019 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
3 Di, 29. Okt. 2019 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
4 Di, 5. Nov. 2019 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
5 Di, 12. Nov. 2019 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
6 Di, 19. Nov. 2019 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
7 Di, 26. Nov. 2019 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
8 Di, 3. Dez. 2019 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
9 Di, 10. Dez. 2019 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
10 Di, 17. Dez. 2019 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
11 Di, 7. Jan. 2020 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
12 Di, 14. Jan. 2020 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
13 Di, 21. Jan. 2020 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
14 Di, 28. Jan. 2020 18:15 19:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Thomas Hagedorn
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Referat - 2,5 CP So, 15. Mär. 2020 23:59-24:00 N.N. Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Thomas Hagedorn