QS-M-001-010 Quit Areas and Quality of Life in Urban Areas


Lehrende: Mehrdad Nourbakhsh

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Q: Noise

Anrechenbar für:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 30

Anmeldegruppe: Q-Studies Master


This Q-study is supposed to focus on the environmental emission issues and the problems yielded by them in particular in urban areas. As human being is exploiting the nature and its resources in a burgeoning and nonchalant fashion then consequently the negative effects of such attitudes would be tangible and sensed in our quotidian life. Anthropogenic environmental pollutions such as light pollution, noise pollution and air pollution are going to be discussed and issues like climate change, fragmentation and environmental vibration will be introduced. Furthermore the basic definition of a quiet area and its relation with noise pollution and other factors shall be taken into consideration.

Students will be divided into various groups and each group is to do more in-depth research in terms of the discussed topics in the class. Furthermore a sound-walk will be carried out. Last but not least, all the participants will be encouraged to investigate about the relationship amongst the so-called environmental issues and quality of life in urban areas of Hamburg.


Q-M-Mod-001, SF_M01, SF_M02

Sonstige Information:
BSPO 2009: 5 ECTS Paper, Presentation
BSPO 2015: 2,5 ECTS Presentation

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Fr, 12. Apr. 2019 12:15 15:45 HVP-2.103 / Seminarraum II (gr.) Mehrdad Nourbakhsh
2 Fr, 26. Apr. 2019 12:15 15:45 HVP-3.103 / PC-Pool Mehrdad Nourbakhsh
3 Fr, 10. Mai 2019 12:15 15:45 Excursion HafenCity Hamburg Mehrdad Nourbakhsh
4 Fr, 10. Mai 2019 14:00 15:45 HVP-2.105 / PC-Pool Helava Mehrdad Nourbakhsh
5 Fr, 24. Mai 2019 12:15 15:45 HVP-2.103 / Seminarraum II (gr.) Mehrdad Nourbakhsh
6 Fr, 7. Jun. 2019 12:15 15:45 HVP-2.103 / Seminarraum II (gr.) Mehrdad Nourbakhsh
7 Fr, 21. Jun. 2019 12:15 15:45 HVP-2.103 / Seminarraum II (gr.) Mehrdad Nourbakhsh
8 Fr, 5. Jul. 2019 12:15 15:45 HVP-2.103 / Seminarraum II (gr.) Mehrdad Nourbakhsh
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Mehrdad Nourbakhsh