QS-M-001-005 "I link, therefore I am". How Networks Organize Society and Economy


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Fachübergreifende Studienangebote

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Q: Networks

Anrechenbar für:

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 30

Anmeldegruppe: Q-Studies Master


Networks have turned into an almost universal principle of social organization. We make and break relations on social network sites like Facebook and LinkedIn; businesses are transformed from isolated organizations into nodes within global networks of competitors and collaborators; cities perceive themselves no longer as insular territorial entities but pool their strengths in city-networks; networks form the grid for the ever-extending flows of information, capital, goods, symbols and people. In short: we live in a 'network society' (Manuell Castells). This course explores which features distinguish networks from other forms of social organization; how networks are forged, sustained and broken; how networks produce innovations and promote development and when they morph into the social infrastructures of crime and conspiracy.


Q-M-Mod-001, SF_M01, SF_M02

Sonstige Information:
BSPO 2009: 5 ECTS Oral presentation, hand-out, course-work
BSPO 2015: 2,5 ECTS Oral presentation, hand-out

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 10. Apr. 2019 14:15 17:45 HVP-3.104 / Seminarraum III (gr.) Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
2 Mi, 24. Apr. 2019 14:15 17:45 HVP-3.104 / Seminarraum III (gr.) Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
3 Mi, 8. Mai 2019 14:15 17:45 HVP-3.104 / Seminarraum III (gr.) Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
4 Mi, 15. Mai 2019 14:15 17:45 HVP-3.104 / Seminarraum III (gr.) Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
5 Mi, 5. Jun. 2019 14:15 17:45 HVP-3.104 / Seminarraum III (gr.) Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
6 Mi, 19. Jun. 2019 14:15 17:45 HVP-3.104 / Seminarraum III (gr.) Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
7 Mi, 3. Jul. 2019 14:15 17:45 HVP-3.104 / Seminarraum III (gr.) Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher