Biw-M-401-101 Site Investigations for Offshore Constructions


Lehrende: Tanja Theresa Dufek; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Lesny; Mona Caroline Lütjens

Veranstaltungsart: Vorlesung, Übung

Orga-Einheit: Bauingenieurwesen

Anzeige im Stundenplan: Biw:+Geo IP

Anrechenbar für: Wahlpflichtmodul für fachliche Vertiefung, Wahl-Modul

Semesterwochenstunden: 4

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 30

Individuelle Prüfungsleistung - 5 CP

Dieses Wahlpflichtmodul wird in englischer Sprache angeboten. Übliches Schulenglisch ist für eine Teilnahme jedoch ausreichend. In Absprache mit den Modulverantwortlichen ist eine Ausarbeitung in deutscher Sprache möglich.

Within this interdisciplinary project an interface topic of the fields of Geotechnics (as discipline of Civil Engineering) and Hydrography (as discipline of Geodesy and Geoinformatics) will be covered.
The project task addresses an important phase of the planning process for offshore construction projects, namely the performance of site investigations. Investigating the conditions at the specific offshore location of the planned construction is essential for pursuing the engineering work later. In this interdisciplinary project the different stages of planning, processing and analyzing of hydrographic and geological-geotechnical site investigations will be worked through.

The project comprises various subtasks which will be independently worked on in small groups during the semester under supervision. The subtasks consist of:

- Selection of a suitable location for the planned construction project
- Planning of hydrographic and seismic surveys as well as geotechnical site investigations for the chosen site
- Processing and/or evaluation of measurement results from hydrographic and seismic surveys as well as results from geotechnical site investigations including soil mechanical lab tests

Each group will present the results of these subtasks to all participants at fixed appointments during the course for a broad discussion. The results of all subtasks will be gathered in a final report which will be graded.

Field trips, small exercises in the soil mechanical lab and presentations by experts for offshore site investigations will complete the course.


BIW-M-Mod-401, BIW-M-Mod-402, BIW-M-Mod-403, BIW-M-Mod-404, Biw-M10-FW28, BIW_M0204, BIW_M0304, BS-M-Mod-002 (Geo)

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Do, 18. Okt. 2018 12:15 15:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Tanja Theresa Dufek; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Lesny; Mona Caroline Lütjens
2 Do, 25. Okt. 2018 12:15 15:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Tanja Theresa Dufek; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Lesny; Mona Caroline Lütjens
3 Do, 1. Nov. 2018 12:15 15:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Tanja Theresa Dufek; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Lesny; Mona Caroline Lütjens
4 Do, 22. Nov. 2018 12:15 15:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Tanja Theresa Dufek; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Lesny; Mona Caroline Lütjens
5 Do, 20. Dez. 2018 12:15 15:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Tanja Theresa Dufek; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Lesny; Mona Caroline Lütjens
6 Do, 17. Jan. 2019 12:15 15:45 HVP-2.101 / Projektraum IV Tanja Theresa Dufek; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Lesny; Mona Caroline Lütjens
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Individuelle Prüfungsleistung - 5 CP Do, 31. Jan. 2019 23:59-24:00 N.N. Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Tanja Theresa Dufek
Mona Caroline Lütjens
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Lesny