KM-B-604-101 Reflexive Photography: Marseille / Hamburg


Lehrende: Martin Kohler

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: Kultur der Metropole / Kultur - Digitalisierung - Metropole

Anzeige im Stundenplan: KM: Wahlfach

Anrechenbar für: Wahl-Module, Wahlmodul, Interdisziplinäre Fragestellungen, MTT-Wahlpflicht Katalog B (Methode/Technik)

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Standort: Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Min. | Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen: - | 26

Individuelle Prüfungsleistung - 5 CP

Zusätzliche Informationen zu Terminen:
Mit Exkursionen.

(Der Kurs wird im Wesentlichen auf Deutsch stattfinden, jedoch sind englische Sprachkenntnisse wünschenswert, da wir mit einem Fotografen aus Marseille für eine Veranstaltung zusammenarbeiten und die resultierende Ausstellung eine Kooperation mit der Partnerstadt Marseille stattfinden soll).

The aim of this course is to find relationships between the sister cities of Hamburg and Marseille. Working with photography as visual and analytical method the participants will learn how to operate a camera, how to design and compose photographic images and how to use photography as an artistic method to explore and better understand urban conceptions.

"The ways in which cities inhabit one another often have less to do with relationships that can be mapped in physical space — such as flow, dispersion or location — and more to do with the experiential and imaginative ways in which places are drawn together or kept apart." (Robinson 2011:16)

As a starting point we will look at cities as sites of assemblages, not as coherent units, but rather multiplicities, where urban outcomes are often best characterized as emergent from multiple, overlapping and intersecting processes and events and local configurations. These shaping forces, imaginations and processes might be globally or nationally similar, but are confronted to a local configuration resulting in visible phenomena, that can be observed, documented and compared. Starting from the observable, we try to find links between Marseille and Hamburg. The work is based on the results of a similar photographic project done in Marseille in 2017. We will use this body of photographs to find visible similar phenomena in Hamburg. By moving away from the assumption, that the same causal processes produce the same observable images, we focus our attention to plural causalities and that similar outcomes might have different causes or that the same causes might produce different observable outcomes.

Photography is the guiding tool to structure the explorative search for connections and differences between the two cities. This is extended to the mutual development and realization of an exhibition with works from Hamburg and Marseille (if funding allows).
From the student it is expected:
- An active participation in the course and discussion
- Successful completion of three photographic tasks
- A photographic essay of approx.. 10 images as part of an exhibition
- A short explanatory statement as text
- Participation in preparing and running the exhibition



Vorkenntnisse/ Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme:
camera with the possibility to set aperture, speed and lenses manually (digital / analog)
tripod, if available

- Technical camera handling
- Image composition
- Image Analysis & Descriptions
- Development of an individuval photographic essay

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 9. Apr. 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
2 Mo, 16. Apr. 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
3 Mo, 23. Apr. 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
4 Mo, 30. Apr. 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
5 Mo, 7. Mai 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
6 Mo, 14. Mai 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
7 Mo, 28. Mai 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
8 Mo, 4. Jun. 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
9 Mo, 11. Jun. 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
10 Mo, 18. Jun. 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
11 Mo, 25. Jun. 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
12 Mo, 2. Jul. 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
13 Mo, 9. Jul. 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
14 Mo, 16. Jul. 2018 16:15 17:45 HVP-2.106 / Seminarraum II Martin Kohler
Veranstaltungseigene Prüfungen
Beschreibung Datum Lehrende Pflicht
1. Individuelle Prüfungsleistung - 5 CP Sa, 15. Sep. 2018 23:59-24:00 N.N. Ja
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Martin Kohler