Course catalogue

Overview >  Elective Course Choices >  Master >  Open to Civil Engineering students

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
Arc-M-209-101 Construction Economy: Successful Development and Planning - CHALLENGE CITY
Frank Buken; Prof. Reinhold Johrendt; Bernd Pastuschka
Mon, 20. Apr. 2020 [17:00] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [18:30]
Arc-M-402-101 Building Energy Consulting 2
Jürgen Baumgarten; Prof. Peter O. Braun
Biw-M-401-101 Special Constructions: Prestressed Concrete
Prof. Dr. Klaus Liebrecht
Lecture, Exercise
Biw-M-401-102 Bridge Construction
Dr. Christian Gehmert
Lecture, Exercise
REAP-M-201-100 Urban Material Cycles
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gesa Kapteina; Prof. Dr. Irene Peters
Mon, 20. Apr. 2020 [14:15] - Mon, 13. Jul. 2020 [17:45]
Lecture, Exercise
REAP-M-202-100 Urban Energy Flows
Maria Greitzer; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Weidlich
Wed, 22. Apr. 2020 [09:00] - Wed, 15. Jul. 2020 [12:00]
Lecture, Exercise
REAP-M-203-100 Urban Water Cycles
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut; Mahmoud Moursy
Tue, 21. Apr. 2020 [14:15] - Tue, 14. Jul. 2020 [17:45]
Lecture, Seminar